Tag: Cents of Self

May 25, 2023
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Getting Married this Summer? The Financial Planning of a Prenuptial Agreement

Prenuptial agreements can be a sensitive subject. However, if carried out in a capable manner, they can be a helpful tool to build healthy financial futures.

May 16, 2023
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Gaining a “Happy Money” State of Mind

What is the point of saving money? The answer usually centers around more connection, community, service, nature, and freedom, eventually leading to more joy.

May 10, 2023
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Avoiding Loneliness in Retirement

Retirement can be a wonderful time to pursue your passions and enjoy life. However, it can also be a time when you feel lonely and disconnected from the world around you. Here are some steps you can take to stay engaged.

Cents of Self
May 5, 2023
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Can My Ex Take My 401(k) in a Divorce? | Ask a Savant Financial Advisor

Few things turn a retirement plan upside down more than a divorce. You may be worried you will have to abandon your retirement plan if your 401K is divided in a divorce, and you very well may be right.

May 3, 2023
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Calculating the ROI of a Higher Education

When working with your child to find the right college, it’s crucial to evaluate the cost as you would an investment. The cost of college can be substantial, and having a significant amount of debt can negatively impact your – or your child’s – financial future.

May 2, 2023
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The Tax Benefits of Home Improvements

The warmer weather often inspires people to start a home improvement project. Drive by any garden center on a Saturday afternoon, and you’ll see large crowds buying supplies to spruce up their homes and yards.

April 25, 2023
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Divorced? Make Sure You Have a Financial Back-up Plan

When you were married, you likely relied on your spouse to pay the bills and manage your finances if you lost your job, became ill, or suffered injuries from an accident. If you are now solely responsible for handling your finances, consider developing a contingency plan so you won’t miss bill payments due to unforeseen life events.

April 18, 2023
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Spring Clean Your Finances

Spring is a great time to clear out the clutter and get ready for some very productive summer months. Here are seven ways to spring clean your finances.

April 11, 2023
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Financial Stability in Widowhood

Although planning for the death of a spouse is unpleasant, the possibility of losing considerable income because your spouse passes away can be just as unpleasant. Proactive planning can help ease some of that strain.

Cents of Self
April 4, 2023
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Prepping for Retirement, Financially and Emotionally

Retirement is a significant milestone and brings with it a significant shift in identity and purpose. Without proper planning, this can lead to feelings of uncertainty and loss of control. By taking the time to reflect on how retirement fits into your identity, creating a purposeful schedule, and developing a cash flow plan, you can make the most of this new and exciting chapter in your life.

March 22, 2023
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Living the “Good Life”

Have you ever questioned whether retirement is truly what you desire? Is it really the ultimate goal you seek? Retirement often signifies an end, but it’s also important to consider what you will begin. Give yourself permission to dream and think, “What if?”

March 21, 2023
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Purple Day Highlights Value of Special Needs Planning

Millions of people worldwide are affected by epilepsy, a debilitating disorder, and Purple Day aims to increase awareness of this condition. Caring for a child with special needs can be expensive, but a financial advisor can assist in finding resources to subsidize the significant annual costs.