Let's Start Your 


We want to help successful professionals map out the course to their corporate finish line and help them begin the next exciting phase of their life – The Victory Lap.

Our mission is to help people like you make that leap and we have distilled the process into a 5-step action plan called VICTORY LAP PLANNING

In 30 days, we believe you can have a clear roadmap to your Victory Lap and beyond.

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Dedicate a few minutes to reading our Victory Lap Retirement Executive Guidebook or watching a recording of our recent webinar.

STEP 2: Schedule Your Consultation

Once you have contemplated your Victory Lap, schedule a complimentary Victory Lap Planning consultation with us. We will help answer your questions about the Victory Lap Planning process, review the services that you can expect to receive from us, and mutually determine if Victory Lap Planning is a good fit for you.

You can click here to schedule your complimentary consultation now.

STEP 3: Complete a Discovery Session

After you decide to engage in our Victory Lap Planning service, the next step is our 90-minute Discovery Session. This is a deep dive to discuss where you want to go and what really matters to you. Of course, we’ll cover all the financial details too.

STEP 4: Complete an Exploration Session

During this 90-minute session, we will explore all the possibilities for your Victory Lap, answer crucial questions and examine all the “what-if” scenarios. We’ll apply our professional insights to distill the information we collected in the Discovery session into actionable financial planning strategies. By the conclusion of this meeting, we will have charted a course for your Victory Lap.

STEP 5: Start Running Your Victory Lap!

You have your roadmap; now it's time to commit to pursuing your Victory Lap. Even if it is still a few years away or if there are questions to be answered, it is critical that you start taking actions that move you towards the life you really want to live. If you would like to continue working with us as your ongoing guide, we can explore that further, but you are under no obligation to do so.

Schedule your complimentary consultation now.

STEP 1: Read or Watch