Nurturing Your Abundance Mentality

Nurturing Your Abundance Mentality – Last year, we introduced Your WealthConfidence Scorecard to increase awareness of the eight mindsets that can help improve wealth confidence. These mindsets are gratitude, open-mindedness, cooperation, respectfulness, abundance mentality, connectedness, optimism, and realism.
Wealth confidence is dynamic; it ebbs and flows depending on what is happening in our lives and the environment. In light of current events, your wealth confidence may be fluctuating. Recognizing this, it is even more important to nurture the mindsets that contribute to improved wealth confidence, so you continue to make smart decisions about your money and enjoy the financial future you have in mind for yourself and your family.
The mindset to nurture today is abundance.
a-bun-dance (noun) a very large, more than ample, quantity of something
It’s one thing to be aware of what is happening in the world around us, and quite another to let fear cloud everything we do. If you listen to the headlines, it is easy to get sucked into perpetual fear. Yet, if we look at our individual situations, we find that most of us have it pretty good, in some cases very good. Those fearful headlines can overshadow the enjoyment of all the wealth in our lives, including more than just money – our family, health, living conditions, leisure activities, etc.
An abundance mindset is mostly a function of how you look at things. A scarcity mindset sees the world as primarily a zero-sum game, where someone’s win is at the cost of someone else’s loss, totaling a zero-sum. Some things are like that, such as a card game or commodities trading, but certainly not everything. Having a scarcity mindset about everything can damage your wealth confidence. An abundance mindset sees most things improving and looks forward to being part of that exciting future. It views human ingenuity as the most important natural resource, sees it growing in leaps and bounds, and enables the breakthroughs that will contribute to an ever-increasing and improving quality of life for everyone.
Nurturing an abundance mindset and improving your WealthConfidence takes some effort. Remember, there is as much information supporting a scarcity mindset as there is supporting an abundance mindset. What makes the difference is what you choose to focus on. It has been said that your future will be most affected by your choice of friends and the books you read. Where we focus our attention gets larger until it becomes the only thing we see.
When working with their Savant financial advisor, our goal is for clients to go through a process that focuses on the specific actions that are necessary to help create the Ideal Future they have in mind. The process can help clients put everything surrounding them in the context of what they can and cannot control, along with understanding the projected effect their decisions may have on their lives. We believe it can help contribute to an abundance mindset and improved WealthConfidence.
If you’d like to learn more about your mindset and discover eight money mindsets to help you stop worrying about your wealth and start living, download the WealthConfidence Scorecard here.