The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Financial Planning

If you haven’t read “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People,” I strongly recommend it. In the book, Stephen R. Covey explores the effects of a principle-centered paradigm, first changing ourselves from within and then examining the impact on our relationships with others.
When I finished the book, I started thinking about how applicable each habit is to our financial planning profession. Just as Covey proposed that successful individuals apply each habit, financial success also includes the same habits.
1. Be Proactive = Plan
In the first habit, Covey concludes that “we are responsible for our own lives.” In other words, you are in charge of yourself. He states it another way: “Act or be acted upon.” Simply put, to be financially successful, your first step must be to PLAN. Covey notes “there are some things over which we have no real control and others that we can do something about.” It is up to each individual to act on the things they control.
Life is full of unexpected events – job loss, health issues, etc. You can be proactive and set aside an emergency fund. You can act to manage the risk associated with a premature death or disability event.
Life is also full of goals and dreams—travel, funding your children’s college tuition, and more. Are you taking the steps to work toward those goals and dreams? Have you thought about it? Consider the second habit.
2. Begin with the End in Mind = Set Your Goals
Covey notes the second habit deals with leadership: “What are the things I want to accomplish?” It is important to define what financial success looks like to you. Envision your retirement. What are you doing? Where are you going? How are you spending your time? Think about other scenarios. What would you like to have happened if you died prematurely? Would you like to assist with education expenses for your children or grandchildren?
Lewis Carroll once said, “If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there.” Once you know your destination, then you can work to apply habit number three.
3. Put First Things First = Implement
The third habit concerns management—”How can I best accomplish certain things?” Recognizing the need to act and having a vision of financial success, you must now work toward achieving those goals. This includes setting priorities among your financial goals when needed. A financial plan is worth nothing if you do not take the recommended steps to achieve your objectives.
4. Think Win / Win
Covey’s fourth habit begins to enter the realm of relationships with others and “seeks mutual benefit in all human interactions.” When seeking an advisor, seek someone with the CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ certification. A CFP® professional is required to act in your best interest at all times, displaying integrity, competence, and diligence, among other qualities.
5. Seek First to Understand, Then Be Understood = Diagnose, then Prescribe
As you work with others toward your financial goals, ensure you have the correct diagnosis before filling the prescription. Similar to habit #2, it is crucial to understand the problem before implementing a solution. When I go to my doctor and tell them that I am sick, they will start asking questions and running tests to understand what my needs are before recommending a treatment. Whether it is your investment portfolio, insurance policies, or estate planning documents, all should be implemented and executed with your specific needs, goals, and challenges in mind.
6. Synergize = Coordinate with a Team
The sixth habit of Covey’s book emphasizes synergy, or “to value differences – to respect them, to build on strengths, to compensate for weaknesses.” Financial success requires strong collaboration and a team approach. The advantages of your financial advisor, accountant, attorney, and others all working together for your benefit cannot be overlooked. Each has unique strengths, and together, as Dr. Covey says, “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.”
7. Sharpen the Saw = Revisit Your Plan
Planning for your financial success is not a one-time event. Just as personal growth and improvement require continuous attention, you should review your financial plan at least annually and make adjustments as needed. Ask questions such as, “Am I on track to meet my goals?” “Has anything changed to alter the course?” Consider beginning on a long journey towards a particular destination. It is better to quickly recognize a wrong turn and correct your course than to realize the error much further down the road.
The first three habits are “inward” focused. Only you can decide to plan for your financial future and act on it. The second three habits are “outward” focused, which means understanding that often, your finances often include relationships with others. You can start implementing these habits now. As Benjamin Franklin once said, “Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today.”