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Past Commentary & Articles

Tech unicorns – start-up companies valued at over $1 billion such as Uber, Pinterest, Airbnb and Slack – have become some of the world’s most valuable start-ups over the past several years. While these companies and several others have grown rapidly, they have been primarily funded through venture capital and have remained privately held. Recent […]

Since childhood, many of us have set financial goals. Perhaps it was saving for our first bike or an ice cream treat, or simply enjoying our first taste of wealth as it accumulated in the piggy bank. Whether these actions were influenced by our parents attempting to teach responsibility or it turned out to be […]

Do you have a loved one who is disabled or who has special needs? Many times individuals with special needs rely on public benefits such as Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Medicaid, and other programs to help with living expenses. In order to retain eligibility for such benefits, the individual’s cash and investment assets may not […]

“What did the doctor say?” A diagnosis of a serious illness can be life changing. The need to understand treatment options and to receive medical care is often overwhelming. A new diagnosis can impact not only your day-to-day routine, but also the people who are close to you. Finances can also be impacted. In fact, […]

At one time or another, we all have likely heard someone longing for the “good old days.” It is quite common to look back nostalgically at simpler times when we had less stress and fewer responsibilities. While there are certainly advantages to growing up and getting older, we can glean some financial wisdom from the […]

We made it through an exciting year of tax reform, and hopefully you did too! The changes to the tax code created many challenges – and opportunities. This article aims to summarize what we saw after preparing several thousand tax returns, as well as offer opportunities that you may be able to utilize next year. If […]

The UK vote in June 2016 resulting in the decision to leave the European Union (EU) was historic! However, here we are three years later with uncertainty still surrounding that decision. The UK was originally due to leave the EU on March 29, 2019; however, the withdrawal agreement reached between the EU and the UK […]

It is that time of year again when parents find themselves becoming empty nesters as their kids head off to college. It is a time full of important, and not important, decisions to be made. Picking out the right towels, bedding, computer, books, clothes, and mini-fridge can quickly become overwhelming. However, there is a lot […]

Global stocks rallied 3.3% during April resulting in a 16% year-to-date return. Markets that led with some of the strongest returns during the month were Germany (+7.0%), South Africa (+8.1%), and Sweden (+6.1%). Short- and intermediate-term bonds rose 0.2% for the month. Alternatives generally pulled back during April with the exception of managed futures (+0.5%). […]

As bull markets age and continue toward new record highs, it is human nature to look for a strategy to protect your investment portfolio from losses. A zero-cost collar is an option-based strategy for investors who are looking for ways to possibly “insure” their stock portfolio against losses. The gist of this option strategy is […]

The merits of index investing are numerous with low fees, transparent rules, and minimal turnover among the most frequently cited advantages. However, not everyone views the rise of index investing as a good thing, and an increasingly popular debate has been the question of how much indexing is too much. Since the global financial crisis, […]

Global stocks closed out a strong first quarter with mixed results in March. U.S. large cap stocks led the charge, rising 1.9%, while small caps struggled, down 2.1%. International developed (+0.6%) and emerging markets stocks (+0.8%) were up slightly. Economy The Consumer Price Index fell for the fourth consecutive month, now at its lowest level […]