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Past Commentary & Articles

Case Study
March 6, 2024
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With the potential for retirement to last as long as 30 or more years, it’s no wonder many people worry about outlasting their money. If you’re ready to retire, but don’t feel confident about whether you’re financially ready, a milestone that’s worthy of celebration can become a source of stress instead. That was the case for Steve, who turned to Savant Advisor Don Duncan for help.

March 6, 2024
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Just as you review other aspects of your financial plan, you might want to review your auto insurance policy to determine whether your coverage is sufficient. Most drivers are familiar with auto insurance but may be unsure about how it works.

March 5, 2024
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Choosing the right advisor for you and your family requires careful consideration. Good chemistry is important, but asking thoughtful questions and conducting due diligence can help you differentiate between a “good” advisor and a great one.

February 27, 2024
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Leap Day, occurring once every four years on February 29th, serves to align our calendar with the Earth’s orbit around the sun. Despite its rarity, its impact on the economy is minimal, with debates arising over whether salaried employees work “for free” on this additional day.

Market Commentary
February 15, 2024
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While inflation holds significant importance within the Fed’s dual mandate, which prioritizes maximum employment and price stability, it does not stand alone in the Fed’s considerations. The Federal Reserve also monitors four other crucial economic sectors that provide valuable insights into the economy’s overall well-being and may impact the timing of monetary policy adjustments.