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Past Commentary & Articles

October 5, 2021
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According to the FBI, nearly 30 different types of scams affected senior Americans. Unfortunately, the use of sophisticated technology can make it difficult to identify scammers. Here are some common scams used by criminals to prey on older Americans and some tools you can use to avoid becoming a victim.

October 4, 2021
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Many have heard the advice to max out your 401(k). But is that advice all it’s cracked up to be? While there is merit to setting a savings goal on a bi-weekly basis and automating that decision to invest in your future, is a 401(k) the best investment vehicle to use?

September 28, 2021
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After a hard day at the office, the prospect of retiring to a life of leisure may seem attractive. But if you’re not quite ready to permanently step away from the job, you might want to explore your desires, fears, and abilities.

Market Commentary
September 22, 2021
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In casual conversations, “we need a market correction” has become commonplace. The S&P 500 has doubled since the lows in March of last year. We achieved 55 new all-time highs this year; the previous record of 77 new all-time highs in 1995 is within reach.

September 20, 2021
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If you have followed investment news through traditional media, you have likely heard the theory that a potential increase in the long-term capital gains rate may cause investors to sell all of their positions with unrealized gains ahead of the tax change in the name of avoiding higher future tax rates. At face value this seems like a reasonable theory, but what does historical evidence tell us?

September 16, 2021
Savant Wealth Management Webinar

In the U.S., our vision of retirement is evolving. Instead of working to retirement age and stopping, more people are seeking a new and different experience. With all of this talk about the end of retirement, Savant Wealth Management commissioned a study to see what the hard data had to say.

Market Commentary
September 15, 2021
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2021 created a new rivalry – those who believe inflation is temporary and others who believe it’s more indefinite. The U.S. inflation rate increased to nearly 5.4% year-over-year as of July 2021, the fastest rate of growth since 2008. Concern about rising inflation in the next few years has been a major point of contention.