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Past Commentary & Articles

March 13, 2017
Savant Wealth Management

The news tends to over-dramatize the subject matter on which it is reporting. All too often this results in strong opinions or flat-out false statements. When it comes to Social Security benefits, the most common opinion I hear is that Social Security is going broke. It’s the elephant in the room as nervous clients jokingly […]

February 17, 2017
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What’s the best way to assist your child in buying a home? There are several strategies for helping your child that also preserve tax benefits related to home ownership.

February 15, 2017
Savant Wealth Management

It’s human nature to form expectations on what will happen in the future. If we had polled a group of our clients or even a larger group of people, the general consensus would have likely included similar expectations to the ones below. We now know those expectations did not play out.

January 4, 2017
Savant Wealth Management

The new year brings with it an update to Social Security benefit payments and premiums for Medicare beneficiaries. Understanding these adjustments allows you to plan for your cash flow needs and helps you determine how any changes may impact various planning strategies (such as realizing capital gains or doing Roth conversions). First, let’s look at […]

January 17, 2014
Savant Wealth Management

What would you say if I told you that the company your financial advisor works for received revenue sharing payments of approximately $164,000,000 in 2012 from offering certain mutual funds, 529 plan programs, and insurance products? And that virtually all transactions related to these financial products involve product partners that pay revenue sharing to that […]