Articles, Market Commentary
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Past Commentary & Articles

February 10, 2022
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We don’t personally know Tom Brady or what his retirement goals are. But based on what has been in the media, he’s probably experiencing some of the same things the rest of us do when contemplating a major next step in our lives.

Cents of Self
February 9, 2022
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Chances are many couples will celebrate Valentine’s Day this weekend. What will your Valentine’s Day look like? Maybe you’ll take off on a weekend getaway or opt for a fancy dinner out. But what if you and your partner have different ideas about money and how to spend it?

February 3, 2022
Savant Wealth Management Webinar

Having a relationship with a trusted advisor can help you better understand the complexities of your financial life and make more measured and thoughtful decisions. But is it really worth it?

February 2, 2022
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Valuing fine art can be tricky because artwork is a one-of-a-kind asset. Unlike stocks or currency, fine art requires more care to find its value. Its fair market value hinges on authenticity, market trends, its condition, and other factors.

January 27, 2022
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Knowing how and when to tune out the noise of alarming stock market headlines can relieve anxiety and help you stay on the path to a better investment experience.

January 25, 2022
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Choosing the right allocation for your portfolio is the most important decision an investor will make. It’s essential to have the right balance between earning enough return to meet your financial goals while only taking on as much risk as you can tolerate.

Market Commentary
January 20, 2022
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COVID-19 cases spiked to all-time highs, however, deaths and length of hospitalizations remained below last year’s peak. Meanwhile, inflation accelerated every month since September. Equity markets continued to climb as the S&P 500 achieved 70 all-time highs in 2021.